The Universal Test Target is designed to evaluate the image quality of scanners and other digital input devices used to create the digital images of documents, photos and other reflective media. It is available in various sizes ranging from
The YE111B flesh tone test chart is designed for evaluating the flesh tone rendition of electronic cameras. The picture shows the portraits of three women with ideal and critical flesh tones.
The bar test chart is designed for checking the transmission characteristics of TV cameras at intermediate and deep frequencies.In the upper part of the picture 4 black horizontal bars of different length are arranged in a white surrounding.
The YE0175 is designed for measurement of the disturbance caused by the video level in black areas to the right of or below the areas. Horizontal white lines are positioned on a black background.
The test chart consists of a blank film between two glass panes.The test chart is designed for shading measurement under the same lightning conditions as other transparency measurements.
All SineImage ISO 12233:2014 E-SFR charts are fully compliant with the ISO standard. The Imatest eSFR ISO moduleprovides highly automated support for the new charts.
ISO 12233:2014 E-SFR charts are implementations of the Low Contrast Edge SFR (E-SFR) test chart illustrated in Section 6.1 and Annex C of the ISO Standard Document. We offer the Enhanced version of this chart in high resolution photographic